Family Bible Fellowship
Children's Ministry
Overseen by Jennifer Guthrie and Tobi Scott, our Children’s s ministry is one that teaches children to truly know Christ and make Him known. At FBF we see it as an opportunity to come alongside parents and help further their children's relationship with Christ. At FBF, your kids will have a blast, singing songs, studying God's word, memorizing scripture, and making new friends in a safe environment with hand picked volunteers with their enrichment and enjoyment in mind.
Women's Ministry
Led by Jennifer Guthrie and other leading women of FBF, our women's ministry is one filled with godly women who live their lives in order to honor the Lord and proudly encourage other women in doing so. Through various ministries and events, the leading women of FBF conduct their ministry so that women may grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ while fellowshipping with other believers who will come alongside them, encourage them, and pray for them. To see Mrs. Jennifer's Phillipians bible study, select the flower icon or go to our media page.
Men's Ministry
Led by the Elders of FBF, the purpose of the Men's Ministry at Family Bible Fellowship is to engage, encourage, and equip men to live lives that reflect biblical manhood. We believe that the biblical call for manhood is to be a man who rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads his home and family courageously, and invests in eternity for the current and future generations. We seek to help men grow in their relationship with God and build deep friendships with other godly men. We prayerfully trust that, as an overflow of this, the Lord will develop spiritually stronger men, husbands, fathers, families and churches.
Ministry/Service Opportunities at FBF
• Sunday School and Bible study teachers (qualified persons)
• Children and youth leaders
• Administrators
• Secretaries
• Janitors and maintenance workers to upkeep the building and grounds
• Transportation workers for children or others unable to drive
• Outreach workers
• Ushers and greeters
• Choir members and soloists
• Musicians
• Music directors, song leaders, etc.
• Audio and video technicians
• Website administrators and social media coordinators
• Treasurers and accountants
• Kitchen workers
• Nursery workers
Every member of every church should be serving in some way, and every servant of the Lord should remember that it’s more than just serving others; it’s loving them: “Serve one another humbly in love” (Galatians 5:13). Serving the church can take on many forms: babysitting for a young couple to give them a night out, preparing a meal for a family struck by illness, visiting an elderly, housebound widow, or just picking up a phone and saying, “I was thinking about you today.” Christians may busy themselves in tasks of service like the ones listed above, but endless performing, without love, is meaningless (1 Corinthians 13:1–3). As we go about serving God and others, let us do so with a spirit of humility and brotherly love (Philippians 2:1–4).